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Media Frenzy Over Swift A.I. Deepfakes just the start.

Taylor Swift demonstrate that we need regulation of AI now: experts

The sheer speed of progress occurring in the AI world is working against us in terms of managing the repercussions of this technology, Rajhans said.

"It's getting so pedestrian level that you and I can just make memes and share them and no one can know the difference between (if) it's actual fact or it's something that's been recreated,” he said.

"This is not just about Taylor Swift. This is about harassment, this is about sharing fake news, this is about a whole culture that needs to be educated about how this technology is being used.”

It’s unknown how long it could take to see Canadian legislation curtailing deepfakes.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service called deepfakes a “threat(opens in a new tab) to a Canadian future” in a 2023 report which concluded that “collaboration amongst partner governments, allies, academics, and industry experts is essential to both maintaining the integrity of globally distributed information and addressing the malicious application of evolving AI.”