MOHIT.AI - Workshops and Talks

It's time to learn about A.I. for You

It's time to learn about A.I. for You

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Intro TO A.I. Workshops

Small to Midsize business workshop to demonstrate how to use various A.I. tools for efficiency.

Customized Media Consulting

Not every problem is a complex one to solve, A.I. might have easier answers than you think. Reach out for a customized approach based on your business need.s

Training and Leadership in A.I.

Currently completing my 2nd year of training leaders in and outside of the tech world on the importance of expanding our thinking when it comes to technology and leadership.

we are in the Golden Age of artificial intelligence in the way that we're able to see at a consumer level what the impact can be on everything from cyber security to the way that we live our daily lives on one hand we have to be extremely cautious we don't know necessarily where the data is going we don't know how it's being mined we don't even know how we're being replicated online by some of these companies but on the other hand there's

There is no doubt that chat GPT open AI especially in the near future is a game changer

Additionally, AI language models have been shown to have biases, as they are trained on large datasets which may contain biased information. The ethics surrounding the use of AI language models and the responsibility of organizations developing and deploying them is an important issue that must be addressed.However, there are concerns regarding their potential impacts on society. One concern is the potential spread of misinformation, as AI models may generate false or misleading information.

Artificial intelligence (AI) apps have gained popularity in recent years due to the increasing capabilities of AI technology and the widespread availability of smartphones and other devices that can run AI apps. There are many different types of AI apps available, ranging from personal assistants and language translation tools to games and educational apps.

One reason for the popularity of AI apps is that they can perform tasks that are time-consuming or difficult for humans to do, such as sorting through large amounts of data or translating text from one language to another. AI apps can also learn and adapt over time, which means they can become more effective at performing their designated tasks as they are used.

Another factor contributing to the popularity of AI apps is the increasing demand for automation and efficiency in various industries. Many businesses and organizations are using AI apps to streamline processes, improve customer service, and increase productivity.

Finally, the proliferation of mobile devices has made it easier for people to access and use AI apps, regardless of their location. As a result, AI apps have become an integral part of many people's daily lives, helping them to communicate, work, and access information more easily.